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Community News – April 2020

by presmbp | May 8, 2020 | Community News

Community News – April 2020

It is our hope that everyone in our community is safe and well during this global pandemic.  This is an unprecedented moment in time in which we all are having to learn to do things and live our lives in a very different way.  All of our choices and everything that we do should be driven by keeping ourselves, our families, and our community safe.  A big THANK YOU to those that are working essential jobs providing services and products that enable us to stay healthy and isolate comfortably.  We appreciate you!!

COVID19 and our Community

Thank you to the many owners that responded to our request to provide updated contact information to us.  As owners make changes to phone numbers, mailing address, or email addresses, please keep us updated by either calling Keith at the office, or sending an email to [email protected].

The Association has needed to make some operational changes to in order to align with City, County, and Statewide Stay-at-Home mandates that have been put in place.  Updates or additional changes that are made will primarily be communicated through our Website ( and/or through email.  We are awaiting updates to the Mandate which expires tomorrow, but current operational impacts include…

  • Pool Use: The pool area is still closed to ensure social distancing.
  • Clubhouse Use: We are still not permitting the clubhouse to be reserved for group gatherings or events.
  • Annual Homeowner Meeting: Was originally scheduled for April 1, but cancelled since this meeting does not align with what the state has designated as “Essential”.  The only business on the agenda was the election of Board Members.  However, with only four (4) candidates submitted for four (4) positions, there is no need for an election.  While there is no real business to conduct, we still want to do all in our power to ensure that we hold an annual meeting as required by Florida Statute.  Once the Stay-at-Home Mandate is modified or lifted so that this meeting can occur, you will receive notification of the rescheduled meeting via US Mail.
  • Building Painting: We have paused the painting of building exteriors which are scheduled for this year to reduce the face-to-face exposure with residents.  This will be resumed when the mandate allows for it.
  • Grounds work/Maintenance: This work is continuing as it is essential, however all vendors have all been instructed to ensure a safe distance from residents at all times.
  • Office Hours: Continues to operate with the regular business hours, but ensuring that all business is conducted using safe distancing.

Community News – April 2020

by  | May 8, 2020 | Community News

Community News – April 2020

It is our hope that everyone in our community is safe and well during this global pandemic.  This is an unprecedented moment in time in which we all are having to learn to do things and live our lives in a very different way.  All of our choices and everything that we do should be driven by keeping ourselves, our families, and our community safe.  A big THANK YOU to those that are working essential jobs providing services and products that enable us to stay healthy and isolate comfortably.  We appreciate you!!


COVID19 and our Community

Thank you to the many owners that responded to our request to provide updated contact information to us.  As owners make changes to phone numbers, mailing address, or email addresses, please keep us updated by either calling Keith at the office, or sending an email to [email protected].


The Association has needed to make some operational changes to in order to align with City, County, and Statewide Stay-at-Home mandates that have been put in place.  Updates or additional changes that are made will primarily be communicated through our Website ( and/or through email.  We are awaiting updates to the Mandate which expires tomorrow, but current operational impacts include…

  • Pool Use: The pool area is still closed to ensure social distancing.
  • Clubhouse Use: We are still not permitting the clubhouse to be reserved for group gatherings or events.
  • Annual Homeowner Meeting: Was originally scheduled for April 1, but cancelled since this meeting does not align with what the state has designated as “Essential”.  The only business on the agenda was the election of Board Members.  However, with only four (4) candidates submitted for four (4) positions, there is no need for an election.  While there is no real business to conduct, we still want to do all in our power to ensure that we hold an annual meeting as required by Florida Statute.  Once the Stay-at-Home Mandate is modified or lifted so that this meeting can occur, you will receive notification of the rescheduled meeting via US Mail.
  • Building Painting: We have paused the painting of building exteriors which are scheduled for this year to reduce the face-to-face exposure with residents.  This will be resumed when the mandate allows for it.
  • Grounds work/Maintenance: This work is continuing as it is essential, however all vendors have all been instructed to ensure a safe distance from residents at all times.
  • Office Hours: Continues to operate with the regular business hours, but ensuring that all business is conducted using safe distancing.

Board of Directors

– Ruby Bussinger

Vice President
– Britta Jarvis

– Joyce Steinhardt

Board Members
– Wui Goh
– Mary Hawks
– Andrew Robinson

Property Manager
-Keith Kiebzak

General Maintenance/Landscape Updates

  • Work to replace plant material in areas of need was completed for Middle and Cypress Courts. The next court in the rotation is slated to be Coral, but we have temporarily paused landscape replacement work until we understand more about the impacts we will see from Covid19.
  • We have completed the replacement of the exterior building lights across the property.
  • 2020-2021 Budget – The Property Manager and Board of Directors are currently working to develop the new budget for the coming year. Our goal is to have the proposed budget and meeting notification in the mail to owners by the 3rd week of May.
  • Website Updates – The website has gone through some renovations as well and much more information has been added to be quickly accessible to owners. We encourage you to go through the different tabs to familiarize yourself with the content, services, and documents that are available.
  • New no swimming or fishing signs which match the new street signs have been posted around the lake.

2020 Goals (Updates)

  • Wind Mitigation Study: We have completed a Wind Mitigation analysis of all of our buildings.  It is our hope that this will allow us to obtain a discount on our Property wide insurance policy for the buildings.  Our policy renews in May and at that time, we will know the impact that this will have to the price of our policy.  We wanted to ensure that the documents generated could also be utilized by individual owners to submit to their insurance carriers to request policy discounts as well.  These documents will be valid for five (5) years.  The documents will be available on the website on the Documents tab in the coming weeks.
  • Fences: Investigate more durable products or options for replacing our wooden fences.  It has been decided that wood is really the only option for our fences.  In the coming months, we will begin investigating companies and obtaining bids to project out the work to be completed over the next few years.
  • Rec Area Access: Investigate a new electronic access for our recreation areas which would allow better control of facility use.  No update
  • Surveillance: Investigate options and cost of video/photographic surveillance of our entrances.  No update
  • Pool Bathrooms: Update Pool bathrooms.  No update
  • Pool Deck: Investigate options and cost for replacement of pool deck surface.  No update
  • Pool Umbrellas: Investigate options and cost for replacement of pool umbrellas.  No update
  • Paint Buildings: Continue rotation of painting the exterior of buildings.  On hold due to Covid19
  • Concrete Drives: Complete restoration of concrete drives for 3 courts on the property.  The remaining courts will be restored in subsequent years.  We have contracted for this work, but scheduling has been challenging due to Covid19.  Currently work is planned to begin on June 1.  This year, we will complete the repairs on Cypress, Coral, and Willow Courts at a cost of $211,120.00.
  • Balcony/Rail Restore: Identify appropriate vendor and begin work to restore balconies (where needed) and paint balcony railings using a method that will improve the appearance and extend the useful life of these assets.  No update
  • Traffic Posts: Repair, Replace, or remove as needed traffic posts across the property.  Research will be done to identify a possible better and affordable solution than the wooden posts for the future.  At this time, other products are cost prohibitive and we will continue with wood.  We are nearly complete with the work to straighten crooked traffic posts and replace decaying ones.

Rules and Regulations Reminders

Leases and Tenants – Owners, while the Association does not have right of approval for leases, our bylaws do require owners to provide the association with copies of all leases.  Please ensure that leases are provided to us either via email to [email protected] or dropped off at the office.  It is important for us to know who is living on the property and how we can contact them for the safety of the residents and of your property.  Help us to help you.

Short-Term Rentals not permitted – We have identified some units on our property which are being advertised for short term and vacation rentals through online websites.  Please be advised that all short-term rentals (whether for just a room or for an entire unit) are a violation of several of our bylaws and Declarations and will not be tolerated.  We will pursue all legal avenues available against any and all violators.  As we continue to monitor for these violations, we request that owners ensure that they nor their tenants are in violation.

Words to Live By

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

Helen Keller