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Community News – March 2016

by Middlebrook Pines | Mar 21, 2016 | Community News | 0 comments

Annual Meeting – Owner participation is needed

The Annual meeting will be held on April 6, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.  There are 6 candidates for the 3 Board of Director positions which expire in 2016. By now, you should have received information about each candidate, a ballot, a voting certificate form, and envelopes with specific instructions on how to submit your vote.  Please take time to complete your ballot following the instructions carefully so that your vote can be counted and mail it in by the due date, or bring it with you to the annual meeting.  If we do not receive the minimum required number of valid ballots as required by law, we will need to repeat the costly election process until we do so.

General Comments

We are very excited with the property improvements which have been taken place and will continue to take place in the coming year.  After years of having to conserve every dollar in order to avoid additional assessments to owners during the recession and housing foreclosure crisis, it feels great to be moving forward with improvements on our property and watching our property become an even more beautiful and a pleasant living environment.  We truly hope that you are noticing the improvements and are pleased with the work being done.  While the budget and official annual Reserve study and schedule drive the speed of this work, we are very excited with current accomplishments and our project plan for the future.  We would value your ideas and feedback about the current and future improvements.  Please share any comments or ideas that you have via the website email function.

Landscape Updates

  • Plant replacement has been completed for Elm Court totaling $8621.00. The completed project was inspected by our property manager, Keith, and a few areas will receive remedial work in the coming week.
  • Plant replacement has been completed around the exterior of the clubhouse at a cost of $2060.50. If you haven’t seen it, take a moment to check it out as it looks great!
  • Brook and Middle Courts are now being reviewed for required landscape replacement and a proposal will be submitted for the next Monthly meeting. The work should begin in late April.

Miscellaneous Maintenance/Information

  • New pool furniture is arriving for the summerJ! A huge thank you to Renee Alivento and Larry Palmisciano who dedicated time and resources to research and find a reasonably priced solution to having commercial grade, matching, and beautiful pool furniture.  The board of Directors posted the required notice and held a special meeting on March 10 to review their findings and approve the proposal and the $5400.00 expense.  The order has been processed and we can expect delivery of new loungers, chairs, and tables in 4 to 6 weeks.  The metal pool umbrellas, will be painted in the next few weeks for an updated look which will match the new furniture.
  • Options and alternatives were investigated and bids obtained for a possible aesthetic improvement to the deck around the pool. The cost of the varying options ranged from $11,700.00 to $22,500.00.  At this time, it was determined that the existing deck is in good condition and the money required would have a greater impact if used for other property improvements.
  • A new supplier has been found for the wheel stops that we use on the property. As soon as they are delivered, wheel stops which are currently broken or have rebar showing will be replaced.


Rules and Regulations

  • Tennis Courts – The tennis courts were just repainted at a cost of $7100.00 and we are finding that residents are allowing them to be used for skateboarding or other types of wheeled recreation. Nothing but athletic shoes and tennis balls should ever touch the surface of the court.  Please ensure that you or those in your household are not abusing the courts and if you see anyone doing this, please ask them to leave the courts.  Your help with this is appreciated.
  • Guest Parking – Parking spaces designated “Guest” are for the use by visitors and guests only. Each unit is assigned two spaces for parking.  If the occupants living in your unit have more than two vehicles, additional vehicles must be parked on Middlebrook road and not in Guest spaces.  For specific guidelines, please review rule 3.D.


Words to Live by

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Mike McNight