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Community News – June 2016

by Middlebrook Pines | Jun 29, 2016 | Community News

Annual Budget Meeting

The Annual Budget Meeting was held on May 31, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. and was attended by a few homeowners with great questions related to the budget and expenses.  During this meeting, the Board of Directors voted to accept the proposed budget which increases the monthly assessment to homeowners from $242.00 to $257.00.


The last increase that occurred with the monthly assessment for Middlebrook Pines was in 2009 and this is a net increase of less than 1% per year.  Our monthly assessment of $257.00 is still vastly lower than the condominiums in our area which have monthly assessments of greater than $300.00 per month.


This increase takes affect with the July 2016 payment.  Everyone should have receive the new coupon books which reflect the change in the monthly payment last week.  If you did not, please notify the Property Manager either by phone or via email through our website.


Landscape Updates

  • Plant replacement for Middle Court totaling $9928 has been completed.
  • Plant replacement for Brook Court totaling $12052 has been completed.
  • We are currently pausing on landscape replacement as we do each year during the hot summer months. We will continue with our rotation of the rest of the courts needing plant replacement in September or October.
  • We have seen a dramatic improvement to the appearance of our green areas on the property since the new landscape company began working on property. Of course, the spring/summer rains help a lot as well.  It is wonderful to see everything looking so green, healthy, and lush!
  • Property Improvements – Miscellaneous Maintenance

    • New pool furniture has arrived for the summerJ! Our new furniture and the new coat of paint on the umbrellas looks fantastic at the pool.  Please check it out!
    • In the next couple of weeks you will also see the walls of the clubhouse and pool area repaired and given a fresh coat of paint which will brighten up the area even more. Part of this project will be to replace the old signs on the wall between the bathrooms with the new signage.
    • A new supplier has been found for the wheel stops that we use on the property. The new wheel stops have been delivered, and we will soon begin replacing wheel stops which are broken or have rebar showing will be replaced.
    • The new house/gate numbers have been installed. They are such a dramatic improvement over what we have had for the past several years.  We hope that you agree, but would love to hear feedback that you may have.
    • We have also installed a new bicycle racket the recreation area. While it is not frequently used, it is a “need to have” and the one that we replaced has more than exceeded its useful life.


    Miscellaneous Maintenance/Topics

    • You may have heard that on June 11, there was an incident on Bamboo Court which required the presence of Florida Highway Patrol and the Orlando Police department with swat teams. The incident was not the result of any action on the part of residents of Middlebrook Pines, but occurred when a male was being pursued in his vehicle by FHP, abandoned the vehicle and entered an occupied unit in Middlebrook pines, leading to a standoff for several hours.  While the unit was heavily damaged, we are happy to report that it ended without injury to any MBP residents.
    • We have contracted with a new company to provide towing services on the Property. Airport Towing Services in our new vendor on the property.  If you need towing services because somebody is parked in your assigned spot or in the roadway, the phone number is posted on signs located at each court entrance.
    • The pond on property has some areas where the shore has eroded and is collapsing, mostly due to tree roots of older and well established trees. We have contracted to have work done to excavate, backfill, and re-sod these areas at a cost of $975.00.


    Rules and Regulations

    • Tennis Courts – The tennis courts were just repainted at a cost of $7100.00 and we are finding residents that are using them for skateboarding or other types of wheeled recreation. Nothing but athletic shoes and tennis balls should ever touch the surface of the court.  Please ensure that you or those in your household are not abusing the courts and if you see anyone doing this, please ask them to leave the courts.  Your help with this is appreciated.



    • Several units have installed plant material and/or trees which are at risk of, or have already, damaged fences, shingles, or concrete. Additionally, some units have very large trees which pose a safety or property damage risk of falling branches or palm fronds, or the actual tree is dead or dying.  As a reminder, all vegetation which is planted inside of the fence is your responsibility to maintain and should it cause any damage, the cost to remove the problem and repair/replace any damage caused by your unit will be assessed and will need to be paid by the homeowner of that unit.  We strongly encourage all owners to review your patios and resolve any issues that may exist prior to the Association becoming involved.  The alternative is that following our process of violation notification, the Association will hire a company to complete the work on your behalf and bill you, the owner, for all costs.


    Words to Live by

    It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change –

    Charles Darwin