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Community News – September 2016

by Middlebrook Pines | Oct 1, 2016 | Community News

Your Association Board continues to identify and prioritize needed improvements on the property and is focused on ensuring that we have a comfortable, beautiful, and safe place to live.  If you have any ideas or suggestions, please share them via the website with an email to either the Property Manager or President.  Below is a synopsis of work which has been done over the past two months, or work that is scheduled to begin soon.

Rules and Regulations

We usually keep this portion of the News towards the bottom, but a lot of work is being done and will continue to be done in this arena.  The rules and regulations are designed for many reasons but one is to ensure a consistent and well-kept appearance throughout the property.  This helps to achieve a beautiful property in which we can all be proud of, but also helps to protect the financial investments in our homes.  Over the years, but primarily through the housing crisis which created an environment that yielded a high number of foreclosures and short sales, we have seen our property substantially increase the number of rental units vs. owner occupied.  While we respect and value all of our residents at Middlebrook Pines, we find that the majority of our rule violations are in units which are occupied by tenants.  .  For those of you that lease your unit, please ensure that your tenants are given a copy of the rules and regulations and also stress the importance of following all rules of our property.

Community News – September 2016

by  | Oct 1, 2016 | Community News

Your Association Board continues to identify and prioritize needed improvements on the property and is focused on ensuring that we have a comfortable, beautiful, and safe place to live.  If you have any ideas or suggestions, please share them via the website with an email to either the Property Manager or President.  Below is a synopsis of work which has been done over the past two months, or work that is scheduled to begin soon.


Rules and Regulations

We usually keep this portion of the News towards the bottom, but a lot of work is being done and will continue to be done in this arena.  The rules and regulations are designed for many reasons but one is to ensure a consistent and well-kept appearance throughout the property.  This helps to achieve a beautiful property in which we can all be proud of, but also helps to protect the financial investments in our homes.  Over the years, but primarily through the housing crisis which created an environment that yielded a high number of foreclosures and short sales, we have seen our property substantially increase the number of rental units vs. owner occupied.  While we respect and value all of our residents at Middlebrook Pines, we find that the majority of our rule violations are in units which are occupied by tenants.  .  For those of you that lease your unit, please ensure that your tenants are given a copy of the rules and regulations and also stress the importance of following all rules of our property.

Board of Directors

– Ruby Bussinger

Vice President
– Britta Jarvis

– Joyce Steinhardt

Board Members
– Wui Goh
– Mary Hawks
– Andrew Robinson

Property Manager
-Keith Kiebzak

Much time is being spent walking the property, specifically looking for new and uncorrected violations and sending notices out to owners requesting corrections.  If violations are not corrected within a certain time frame, the Association will seek legal action to compel the owner to correct the problem and all associated legal fees will be the responsibility of the owner.  We also can and have compelled owners to evict a tenant which is a repeat offender.  Lastly, if a violation creates a situation where safety or damage to property (such as fences) is at issue, the Association may have to correct the violation for the non-responsive owner and then charge back the cost to the owner.

All of this can become quite expensive for an owner, so it is best to ensure that you, or your tenants are abiding by the rules and regulations, which can be printed from our website.

Landscape Updates

  • Landscape replacement has been approved for Cypress ($2012.00) and Coral Courts ($3021.00). Additionally, the BOD approved to install mulch on Elm, Middle, and Brook courts ($22212.50).  All of this work should begin in the next couple of weeks.

Property Improvements – Miscellaneous Maintenance

  • We continue the work to replace missing wooden shakes on the side of the buildings across the property. This is our short term strategy as we continue to collect reserve funds for a replacement. As we approach that time, we will be looking at alternate materials for replacement.
  • Work has been done at our property pond to restore some areas where the shore was eroded and collapsing, mostly due to tree roots of older and well established trees. Work to fill in and stabilize the shoreline was completed but the company will return to complete some follow up work.
  • New window blinds have been installed in the Clubhouse and office… which by the way is available for you use without charge. A deposit is required, but is fully refundable if the rules of use are followed and no damages is done.  Just submit a request through our website to reserve.
  • The Board of Directors is working to develop some guidelines for the installation of a cover/roof on the patio storage space where your hose bib is located. As we walk the property, we see that there are many and in many shapes, sizes and colors.  We will develop a standard which going forward would allow for a more consistent look.
  • The annual tree trimming of our palm trees, which is done for aesthetic and safety reasons has just been completed.
  • The annual pressure washing of the sidewalks and walkways is scheduled to begin next week.

Miscellaneous Topics

  • Mosquitos – I am sure that we have all heard about the Zika virus. Please be sure that we are doing are part to reduce the mosquito population by not having any containers or plants with standing water on your patios as this is where they breed.  If you have bird baths or pet feeders, please be sure that you are changing the water daily to ensure that there will not be any mosquito breeding.

Words to Live by

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

William Arthur Ward